This report presents a summary of the 2005 Hurricane Readiness and Recovery Conference held on July 26-27 in Houston, Texas. The conference was sponsored by the American Petroleum Institute and co-sponsored by the Mineral management Service, Offshore Operators Committee, US Coast Guard, US Department of Energy, Office of Pipeline Safety, National Ocean Industries Association, and the Offshore Marine Service Association.
Hurricane Ivan had significant impact on the offshore oil and gas infrastructure and thus provided an opportunity for the industry and regulators to investigate, learn and improve. The 2005 Hurricane Readiness and Recovery Conference was developed to provide a forum to discuss learnings and issues from Hurricane Ivan, as well as other recent hurricanes, regarding design and operating practices, technology, and regulations and standards to identify needs and opportunities for improvements.
Day 1 of the Conference was a Plenary Session, and Day 2 consisted of three simultaneous Break-Out Sessions on Drilling, Production, and Pipelines. See Appendix A for the Agenda.
The main objective of this report is to capture and summarize the results from the three Break-Out Sessions, i.e., Issues and learnings, Major discussion points, Opportunities for improvement.
Salient points from presentations made in the Plenary and Break-Out Sessions that provide context and background for these results are also summarized, but the report does not attempt to summarize each presentation. Available presentations are included in Appendices C – F.
The Offshore Technology Research Center facilitated the conference and prepared this Summary Report under the sponsorship of the Minerals Management Service.
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