Our research program is carried out by staff engineers and faculty of Texas A&M University and The University of Texas at Austin. We draw on the world-renowned research expertise of Texas A&M University College of Engineering, the University of Texas’ Cockrell School of Engineering and the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station to conduct research in the following areas:
Fluid-Structure Interaction
CFD modeling of
- Riser VIV
- Wave impact and greenwater loading
- Tank sloshing
Experimental measurement of extreme waves
- Optical velocimetry – PIV, BIV
- Void fraction (greenwater)
Coupled dynamics of floating structures
- Wave radiation/diffraction WAMMIT
- Separated flows (bilge keels)
- Moorings & risers coupled to floater – COUPLE
- Multi-body hydrodynamics – WINPOST
- Progressive failure and loss of stability
Scale model Testing
- OTRC wave basin
- Design of equivalent mooring and riser systems
Soil-Structure Interaction
Plasticity modeling of
- SCR trenching
- Suction caisson behavior
- Plate anchor behavior
CFD modeling of
- Torpedo pile penetration & capacity development
- Ice ridge/seafloor/pipeline interaction during ice gouging
FEM modeling of
- Suction caisson installation & capacity development
- Pipeline collapse and buckle propagation
Scale modeling of
- Suction caisson behavior (vertical load capacity)
- Plate anchor behavior (in- and out-of-plane loading to failure)
Metocean and Seafloor Characterization
High resolution seafloor mapping
- Geohazards (furrows, etc.)
- Core sampling and analysis
Nonlinear modeling of storm waves
- Long-short wave interaction
- Decomposition of random directional wave fields
GIS databases
- Seafloor properties
- Hurricane hindcast data
- Offshore infrastructure
Assessment of environmental risks
- Mudslides
- Slope stability
Mechanics of Materials
Composite pipe (risers, tendons, pipelines)
- Constitutive modeling
- FEM modeling of combined loading effects
- Assessment of connectors and material layering
Intact and damaged capacity of polyester rope
- Testing to failure
- Theoretical modeling
Risk/Reliability Assessment/Management
Comparative risk assessment of new technologies
- FPSO’s for Gulf of Mexico
- Composite risers
- Gas handling options
Assessment of environmental risks
- Hurricane damage
Utra-deepwater drilling
Human Factors Engineering