An iterative method, coupling a vortex lattice based potential flow solver and finite volume based Euler solver, is used to model the interaction between components of a multi-component marine propulsion system. The purpose of using the above approach is to determine the effective wake (modified in the presence of the other components) and evaluate the performance of each component subject to this modified effective inflow velocity. The method has been applied to the stator-rotor couple as well as to study the performance of podded propulsors.
The thesis work is extended to include the development of a two-dimensional unsteady Euler and laminar Navier-Stokes solver, based on the pressure correction scheme, to model the roll motions and separated flow past the bilge keels on a Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel hull and accurately determine the two-dimensional roll added mass and damping coefficients. This computational tool can be coupled with an existing potential based hull motion solver like WAMIT, to predict the motion of a hull subject to a three-dimensional wave environment.
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