The industry has developed design analyses tools for deepwater Floating Production Systems. These tools were first calibrated and validated with model tests, and in some cases field data and experience from Floating Production Systems installed water depths to 3,000 feet are being used to validate design analyses. As the industry progresses to deeper and deeper depths, these design tools cannot be directly validated or calibrated against data due to limitations in capabilities to conduct directly scaled model tests, and the natural lack of field data or experience in these new depths. The good correlation observed to date provides a strong basis for extrapolating these analysis tools to these new depths. However, data to calibrate or validate these tools in these new depths, or to identify aspects requiring refinement or further development, are needed. When planning for Phase IV of the DeepStar joint industry project, the Mooring and Riser Committee recognized this need and made it one of the highest priorities for work to be accomplished during 1998- 1999.
A workshop process was selected as the most effective means of obtaining input from many experts. Experts representing a broad range of expertise, experience, and perspectives were invited to participate along with Texaco DeepStar JIP members. Some 65 people from 40 companies and institutions participated in the two day workshop, which was held on October 29-30, 1998. Technical presentations and a survey of ongoing relevant research were used to introduce and focus the workshop sessions. Three workshop sessions provided the opportunity for all participants to introduce and discuss technology needs in the areas of FPS motions, FPS risers, and FPS Moorings. Some 70 technology needs were identified and discussed. The technology needs in each area were prioritized, and the final workshop session developed an overall prioritization of the needs identified. This project was conducted by the Offshore Technology Research Center of Texas A&M and the University of Texas on behalf of Texaco’s DeepStar Joint Industry Program.
Related Publications: Ward, E.G., Haring, R.E., Devlin, P.V. (1999). “Deepwater Mooring and Riser Analysis for Depths to 10,000 Feet,” Offshore Technology Conference, OTC, Houston, May, (10808).