Motivation: FPSO (Floating Production systems for Storage and Off-loading) hulls have been reported to be subject to excessive roll motions (in some cases of 20 degrees amplitude), which may cause fatigue in mooring lines, disruption of operation, and discomfort to the crew. An economical solution to mitigate these roll motions is through the installation of bilge keels on these hulls.
Objective: Develop a robust, validated computational model to study the effects of bilge keel shapes (extent and orientation) on roll motions, and use this model to provide guidance on their design.
Approach and Results: We have embarked, since 2000, on an effort to develop a computational technique for the prediction of the hydrodynamic coefficients of 2-D hulls subject to roll. We have arranged the involved work in 3 phases:
• Phase I (2000-2002)
• Phase II (2002-2003)
• Phase III (2003-2005)
The work performed under this project since 2000 will be summarized in this report. The reader can find additional information (including copies of theses, conference papers, presentations, and movies of results) on the FPSO web site at UT Austin:
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