The main objective of this research is to introduce the DHWM and its applications in the aspect of ocean engineering. Specific objectives include
- To introduce the HWM. The HWM includes both of the MCM and PMM, which are derived by a single- and multi-parameter perturbation technique respectively.
- To apply the HWM to predict the wave kinematics under irregular oceans and compare the predictions by the MCM and PMM.
- To compute wave forces on SDOF structures using the Morison equation based on the HWM.
- To investigate the effects of surface intermittency and wave nonlinearity on wave loads and compare the predictions between linear and linear stretching methods. Give important conclusions of the nonlinear effects on wave forces. Propose a cutoff frequency in the offshore design practice.
Related Publications: Zhang, J., Yang, J. and Wen, J., “Hybrid Wave Models and their Applications,” Ocean Wave Kinematics, Dynamics and Loads on Structures, Proc. 1998 International OTRC Symposium, April 30-May 1, 1998, Houston, TX, pp. 25-33.
Zhang, J., Yang, J. Wen, J. and Prislin, I., “Deterministic Decomposition and Prediction of Irregular Ocean Waves,” Texas A&M University, 1998.
Yang, J., Zhang, J. (2000). “Effects of Wave Intermittency and Nonlinearity on Wave Loads of A Bottom Fixed Cylinder,” Proc., 19th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, (CD-ROM).