Note: This study is part of a broader project “Development and Assessment of Well Control Procedures for Extended Reach and Multilateral Wells Utilizing Computer Simulation” (MMS Project 440).
The objective of this research is to perform an extensive simulation study of vertical, directional, horizontal, and ERD wells. Based on the simulation study recommendations will be made to improve well control for situations that warrant improvement, especially for ERD wells. The simulator will again be used to validate the procedures.
The two-phase well control simulator developed by Choe and Juvkam-Wold was used to complete this simulation study. These simulation runs include land, shallow water, intermediate water, deep water and ultradeep water. Other factors that were considered follow:
- Kick size.
- Circulation rate.
- Kick intensity.
- Wellbore trajectory.
- Water depth.
- Hole size, casing and drillstring dimension.