Suction caissons are being used increasingly as seafloor anchorages for deepwater offshore exploration and production platforms. Data are needed to improve and validate analytical models and design practices. Large-scale data are scarce, and available laboratory data do not address all issues important to the design and installation of suction caissons.
The objective of this research is to perform experiments with small prototype suction caissons in normally consolidated clays, such as encountered in the Gulf of Mexico and other offshore locations. The goals include the study of design issues such as the effect of self weight versus suction penetration, limiting ratio of penetration to diameter during suction installation, consolidation (set-up) times after installation, the influence of internal stiffeners on capacity, effects of loading rates on capacity under axial loading, the effect of cyclic axial loading on capacity, range of capacities under lateral loading with differing durations of loading (drained versus undrained loading), effect of mooring line angle on lateral capacity, effect of the mooring line attachment location, and other relevant effects.
These data are being used in companion projects to develop and validate analytical and design methods for this technology. Potential benefits to the offshore industry and regulatory agencies will stem from the greater reliability of future designs.
Small scale experiments are being conducted in a laboratory. Suction caisson models with a diameter of 100 mm, length of about one meter, and a wall thickness of 0.8 mm (ratio of diameter to wall thickness similar to a full-scale caissons) are being used. The experiments are being conducted in test beds of clay that are made in large tanks. The test bed soil is kaolinite, which was selected to allow deposition from slurry with acceptable consolidation times (about 9 months) and still obtain sediment thick enough to allow testing. The test beds are prepared by mixing the clay and water in an initial tank until the slurry is uniform, and then pumping it into the main tanks. A number of experiments can be performed in a single test bed.
Deployment of Results
The data from these experiments are being used in companion projects to develop and validate analytical and design methods for suction caissons. The experiments and results will be documented in a final report.
The data from these experiments are being used in companion projects to develop and validate analytical and design methods for suction caissons. The experiments and results will be documented in a final report.
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