Provide facilitation for the break-out sessions of the Offshore Hurricane Readiness & Recovery Conference and prepare a report capturing the learnings, issues, and opportunities to improve that are identified by the conference.
The Offshore Hurricane Readiness & Recovery Conference will be held on July 26-27, 2005 in Houston, Texas and is being sponsored by the API, MMS, and OOC. The conference objective is to learn from the experiences of Hurricane Ivan to improve future performance and reliability in the Gulf of Mexico.
The conference will bring together government agencies and industry experts to share lessons learned and best practices. The first day agenda includes a series of presentations and panel discussions on Hurricane Ivan experiences on topics such as:
- Performance of Drilling Rigs, Production Facilities and Pipelines
- Best Practices Sharing for Readiness Planning
- Metocean & Geotechnical Conditions in Hurricane Ivan
- Best Practices Sharing for Readiness Planning
- Regulatory Agency Activities
The second day agenda includes three simultaneous break-out sessions that will focus on
- Drilling Rigs
- Production Facilities
- Pipelines
The breakout sessions will include
- Presentations on the observed impacts
- Identifying key observations and learnings
- Identifying opportunities to improve relative to
- Technology
- Design practices
- Operational practices
- Regulations and standards
Benefits to MMS and Industry
The facilitation will provide planning and support to the break-out session chairs to help maximize the identification and capture of key observations, learnings, and identification of opportunities to improve. The report summarizing the key learnings, issues, and opportunities will provide a record for all participants and be useful in sharing the results with others and pursuing opportunities for improvements.
Deployment of Results
The report will be prepared for the MMS. It is anticipated that the report will be reviewed by MMS, API, and OOC, and then distributed widely.
Project Plan
Scope and Plan:
- Preparation – Work with MMS, OOC, and API representatives and the breakout session chairs to complete the facilitation plans for the conference.
- Conference – The final conference agenda may be found in the final report.
- Day 1: The facilitator’s roles will be to capture key discussion points, questions, & learnings from presentations and panel discussions regarding Ivan observations as well as completed, ongoing and planned studies. Information relevant to each BO session (Drilling, Facilities, Pipelines) will be captured by the facilitator of that session. BO Session Facilitators to Prepare information from Day 1 for use in Day 2 BO Sessions .
- Day 2: The facilitator’s roles will be to help moderator focus discussions and capture and summarize additional points on observations and learnings and assist BO Chair.
- Post Workshop Activities – The facilitators for the three BO Sessions will
- Transcribe and summarize information gathered during Plenary & BO Session
- Prepare a report that includes
- Summary of key observations, discussions, and learnings relative to their BO area
- Identified needs & opportunities to improve
- A summary of relevant completed or ongoing post-Ivan studies
- Identified needs for additional studies relative to improvements in
- Technology
- Design practices
- Operational practices
- Regulations & standards