A joint team of industry and MMS representatives are developing an API Recommended Practice (RP) on Remediation Practices for Sustained Casing Pressures. A Workshop is being planned to gather feedback and input on the draft API RP from operators, manufacturers, and contractors.
OTRC will assist the team conducting this Workshop to facilitate the working sessions designed to gather industry feedback and input.
OTRC representatives will work with the team developing the API RP to become familiar with the draft material and the overall recommendations for remediation practices. OTRC will assist the team’s Workshop session chairmen to help plan, conduct, and document the industry comments and feedback from the working sessions on
- Subsea Systems
- Hybrid Systems
- Surface (Traditional) Systems
Project Plan
Scope of Work: In preparing for the Workshop scheduled for August 17-18, OTRC will
- Review material provided by the team for familiarization with draft API RP and recommended procedures for remediation practices
- Work with work session leaders to help plan working sessions to gather industry input and feedback
- Assist session leaders in conducting and documenting the working session results
Anticipated Results: Industry input and feedback on the draft API RP, which can be then used by the team to finalize and gain approval for the API RP on Remediation Practices for Sustained Casing Pressures.