The purpose of this project was to investigate slope stability and shear strength in deep water. Work on this project was broken up into computational investigations of simple, hypothetical slopes and stratigraphies, and more complex, irregular slopes based on actual bathymetry from offshore surveys.
Results of the parametric studies are presented to quantify and show the effect of variability of shear strength in the vertical direction on slope stability. In particular, the effects on slope stability from the depth, thickness, and shear strength of a thin weak seam of soil were determined.
The variation of stability and shear strength is examined along three slope cross-sections using bathymetry data from Pigmy Basin located in Gulf of Mexico.
The correlation structure of shear strength in the lateral direction is inferred for the variation of shear strength along the slope.
The variation in stability along a cross-section is evaluated using method of slices procedures and circular shear surfaces.
Related Publications: Liedtke, E.A. and Wright, S.G., “Computation of Slopes Stability Over Large Areas of the Seafloor with Variable Topography,” Proceedings, Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 10829, May, 1999.